Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bolex Shoot

Initially I was very iffy about doing the Saturday shoot without having Andre present. Once the day had arrived, I felt okay enough with my own knowledge of the bolex and the film processing along with the knowledge of my other classmates that it seemed like an average shoot except easier! Because our partner group knew exactly what to do and what they wanted for their shoot, we didn't have much to do. It was the same way once our group received the bolex. We were able to knock out our shot after two quick run throughs. Processing was cool. I was worried about this portion the most but it was actually my favorite part. To process the film yourself and see your work come to life in your hands was incredible. It created a different feeling than the processing of the rayograms. When we loaded it into the projector and ran it so record it digitally, I felt a sense of gratitude to see it on screen. We were all really stoked with how we started with one idea and were able to see it through. I look forward to editing it and adding in the sensory elements.

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